The present study is focused on the temporal and spatial distribution of red listed lichen (RLL) species identified in both non-protected areas (NPAs) and protected areas (PAs) in Romania. This study revealed different scenarios of RLL based on two major patterns: (1) the fate of RLL before and after their designation in the red list in Romania and (2) the fate of RLL before and after the designation of PAs in Romania. Generally, the occurrences of RLL were well represented in time and space in both NPAs and PAs through geomorphological and biogeographical units. In particular, the occurrences of RLL were well represented, especially in hilly areas within PAs before and after their official designation, and this was an important aspect over a long period of time. Although NPAs were not less important regarding the occurrences of RLL species, it was observed that they followed the same pattern as PAs, namely, they were well represented in hilly areas and over a long period of time. The bioregions were significant for RLL species in both NPAs (continental and stepic) and PAs (continental, panonic, and stepic). As a significant finding of this study, NPAs and PAs should be subjected to an adequate conservation regime due to their biotical traditional heritage.