Abstract-The aim of the research was to conduct an empirical investigation into blended learning (BL) effects on tertiary students and students' perceptions on the approach. This purpose was objective driven, following three objectives which were identified as 1) to assess the impact of BL on students enrolled in Tertiary institutions; 2) to assess tertiary students' perceptions on the BL mode; and lastly 3) to establish the extent to which BL is accepted in a typical institution or university learning environment. An extensive literature review exercise was carried out which led to identification of two research questions to be used to meet the objectives and the purpose of the study. The research questions were 1) Does blended learning (BL) transform learners' attitudes towards learning and improves results? 2) Does blended learning (BL) revolutionizes learners' critical thinking levels and dispositions? Through the research the authors were specifically trying to elucidate and understand the BL mode and the effects it has on students, and their perceptions on it. The researcher followed the quantitative approach with the aid of using a questionnaire to further understand the effects of BL mode on students and their perceptions on the same, after reviewing several literatures. The findings indicated that the BL mode has a positive impact on the students, and students' perceptions on the BL mode were also positive. These findings led to positive conclusions on the BL mode, substantiating the literature review findings on the same. In the light of the findings, and the objectives of the study, the authors concluded the study by proposing a framework which could be used for monitoring BL effects on tertiary students and students' perceptions on the approach, as the results from the study indicated a positive outlook on the BL mode.