“…𝛽 ′ = 𝛽 0 𝛽 1 𝛽 3,…, 𝛽 𝑡+,𝑛 ……………………………………………………………………………………....………... (5) Our specific scenario's formula is derived from this formula, and it looks like this: LAssests i,t = α + β 1 NIM i,t + γ 2 NIM i,t + β 3 NPL′s i,t + γ 4 NPL′s i,t + β 5 ELR i,t + γ 6 ELR i,t + β 7 SB i,t + γ 8 SB i,t + β 9 CSM i,t + γ 10 CSM i,t + β 11 CSF i,t + γ 12 CSF i,t + β 13 SBC i,t + γ 14 SBC 15 + it ………………………………………………………………………………….…….. (6) Econometric Findings Empirical analysis requires flow logic before commenting on the results, applying some diagnostic tests on the appropriateness of the applied approach. Therefore, the diagnostics of the approach was initially done through R 2 , wherein our case is 63.7 percent of the independent variables explain the dependent variables, also for multicollinearity testing was applied VIF, where the mean value of the variables is 9.62 which proves that the data do not have multicollinearity problem.…”