This paper illustrates the application of a multi- methodological approach based on the sequential application of three different techniques for assessing the multidimensional impacts generated by the realization of the Ma.Ri. House temporary housing, located in the city of Turin. The applied methodologies are (1) SWOT analysis for the preliminary examination of the project context, to highlight its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, which are fundamental elements to be considered for the definition of the project strategy, (2) Stakeholder Analysis to identify the multiplicity of stakeholder involved and affected by the Ma.Ri. House project, highlighting their different interests, (3) Community Impact Evaluation (CIE) for the assessment of the nature and intensity of the possible multidimensional impacts derived from the project implementation that could affect the stakeholder involved. Therefore, this paper aims to investigate local housing policy, which is a complex, multi-actorial and social relevance issue. The proposed methodological framework aims to support decision-makers in identifying a strategy that considers the different interests and maximizes the positive impacts for the different stakeholder involved. Specifically, the proposed methodological approach has been applied to evaluate the preliminary stage of the implementation of the temporary housing Ma.Ri. House.