The purpose ofthis study was to further evaluate the validity ofthe Allen Cognitive Level Test (ACL-90) as a measure ofthe construct of "adaptive functioning" and to determine its effictiveness in discriminating between persons who live in the community and persons who are institutionalized. Method. Forty-one persons with schizophrenia living in the community and 11persons with schizophrenia living in a long-term psychiatric hospital were assessed with the ACL-90 and the Life Skills Profile (LSP). Scores on the two measures were compared, as was the effictiveness ofthe two measures in discriminating between the participant groups. Results. The ACL-90 scores correlated moderately with the LS? totaL r (56) = .54, p < .01, and SelfCare Subscale, r (56) = .53, p < .01. Only the Nonturbulence subscale ofthe LS? discriminated between the community and institutionalized participant groups. The behavior ofthe participants living in the community was less turbulent than that ofthe participants who were institutionalized, F0,54) = 15,24, P < .001. Conclusion. Although the moderate correlations between the ACL-90 and the LS? measures support the ACL as a measure ofadaptive functioning and reflect its theoretical perspective, additional information is needed to predict the community fUnctioning and support needs ofpersons with schizophrenia.