“…Central processor type # Repr. Peripheral stage based on A. Template-based optimal detector (Dau et al, 1997) 3 Dau et al (1997) B. Autocorrelator-based pitch analyzer (Meddis & O'Mard, 1997) 1 Meddis & Hewitt (1991) C. Discriminability analyzer (Fritz et al, 2007) 2 Glasberg & Moore (2002) D. Envelope analyzer (Jørgensen & Dau, 2011) 1 a Ewert & Dau (2000) E. Room Acoustic Analyzer (van Dorp et al, 2013;Osses et al, 2017aOsses et al, , 2020a 1 Breebaart et al (2001a) F. Envelope analyzer (Bianchi et al, 2019) 1 Zilany et al (2009Zilany et al ( , 2014) G. RMS difference detector (Osses et al, 2019b;Verhulst et al, 2018b) 3 Verhulst et al (2018a) H. Template-based discriminability detector (Maxwell et al, 2020) 2 Zilany et al (2009Zilany et al ( , 2014 a Processor D processes "individual" speech samples in noise (i.e., one test interval), but the processor also needs to have access to the internal representation of the noise alone in order to generate its output metric.…”