Aristolochic acids (AAs) present in Aristolochia plants are substances responsible for Chinese herbs nephropathy. Recently, strong indications have also been presented, which dietary poisoning with AA is responsible for endemic (Balkan) nephropathy (EN), an enigmatic renal disease that affects rural population living in some countries in Southeastern Europe. A mouse model was applied to follow the effects of two forms of AA, AAI and AAII. SDS-PAGE and SELDI-TOF mass spectrometry with normal phase chips were used to evaluate changes in the urine of treated animals. These two methods are demonstrated to be comparable. The use of SELDI-TOF MS for rapid analysis of a large number of samples and the combination of this method with nano-LC-ESI MS/MS for protein identification were demonstrated. Biomarker discovery after analysis of large cohort of EN patients will be the final aim of these investigations.