-Malformations of cortical development (MCD) have been increasingly identified. The purpose of this presentation is to review the current knowledge of the MCD. Before we address this issue, we will briefly present a review of cortical development. The second part of this presentation will address the most important MCD. Finally, the last part of this presentation will address the correlation between MCD and epilepsy.KEY WORDS: malformations of cortical development, focal cortical dysplasias, neuronal migration disorders, cortical organization disorders.
Malformações do desenvolvimento corticalResumo -As malformações do desenvolvimento cortical (MDC) são cada vez mais identificadas e diagnosticadas. O propósito desta apresentação é rever o conhecimento recente sobre as MDC. Antes de abordarmos o assunto em questão, apresentaremos brevemente uma revisão sobre a formação cortical. A seguir, abordaremos as principais entidades compreendidas dentro da classificação das MDC e, finalmente, resumiremos a correlação entre MDC e epilepsia.PALAVRAS-CHAVE: malformações do desenvolvimento cortical, displasias corticais focais, distúrbios da migração neuronal, distúrbios da organização cortical. Malformations of cortical development (MCD) have been increasingly identified as a major cause of several disorders, particularly in childhood. Patients with MCD present with a wide spectrum of clinical manifestations ranging from asymptomatic cases to those with epilepsy and neurodevelopmental problems. The advent of the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has been the most important factor in the improvement of the diagnosis, which has allowed a better clinical management. Structural imaging has become more sensitive with developments of MRI hardware, acquisition and postprocessing methods.The purpose of this presentation is to review the current knowledge of MCD. Before we address this issue, we will briefly present a review of cortical development. The second part of this presentation will address the most important MCD. Finally, the last part of this presentation will address the correlation between MCD and epilepsy. Barkovich et al. 1 proposed a classification of the malformations of cortical development, taking into account pathological, genetic and neuroimaging features of the different stages of development. They state that there are three main consecutive stages of cortical development, each of them partially overlapping with the previous stage. They are: cellular proliferation and differentiation, neuronal migration, and cortical organization.
CORTICAL DEVELOPMENTThe first step of cortical development is cellular proliferation and differentiation, which takes place between the 5 th week and 20 th week of gestation. The germinal or primordial cell multiplies and differentiates becoming either a neuron or glial cell. A general rule of the developing nervous system is that a cell is generated in a different location from its final position in the central nervous system (CNS). The process of changing position from birth ...