“…and floccose with filiform margin, cleistothecia eurotium-like, pale luteous(11), soluble pigment absent, exudate absent, mycelium pale luteous(11) to salmon(41) with rose buff (45) margins, and reverse rust(39) with buff (45) margins.Colonies on M40Y at 25 °C in 30 days: flat and floccose with filiform margin, cleistothecia eurotium-like, pale to luteous(11), soluble pigment absent, exudate absent, mycelium pale luteous(11) to salmon(41) with rose buff (61) margins, and reverse rust(39) with buff (45) margins. Colonies on CY20S at 25 °C in 30 days: flat and floccose with filiform margin, cleistothecia eurotium-like, amber (47), soluble pigment absent, exudate absent, mycelium pale luteous(11) to buff (45) with buff (45) margins, and reverse pure yellow(14) with buff (45) margins.…”