The present systematic review aims to understand auditory processing abilities in children with nonsyndromic cleft lip and/or palate (NSCL/P). The review summarizes questionnaire, behavioral, and electrophysiological findings of auditory processing abilities in children with NSCL/P.
The study used a literature search of electronic databases (e.g., Pub Med, Google Scholar, J Stage, Research Gate, ScienceDirect) and the AIISH repository from 2000 to 2021. The retrieved articles were assessed in two stages: title and abstract screening, followed by a full-length article review. About 13 articles were selected after the full-length review of 17 shortlisted articles. All selected studies used cohort design.
The review showed that speech perception in noise and temporal processing were the majorly affected processing abilities in children with NSCL/P. The review also showed that cleft palate children are more prone to auditory processing deficits than other cleft subgroups. These auditory processing deficits in NSCL/P children may cause delayed speech and language skills, reading, and learning disabilities, which are highly reported in these children.
Auditory processing evaluation should be a part of the audiological test battery for these children to promote early diagnosis and management.