ABSTRAK: Perairan Laut Kendal terhubung dengan Sungai Buntu, Sungai Kendal, dan Sungai Blorong yang membawa limbah dari kegiatan di darat seperti Mandi Cuci Kakus (MCK), peternakan, tambak, pertanian, dan kegiatan kapal dan Tempat Pelelangan Ikan (TPI). Hal ini akan mempengaruhi kualitas bakteriologis perairan laut Kecamatan Kendal. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisa kualitas bakteriologis air dan sedimen perairan laut Kecamatan Kendal berbasis jumlah total bakteri dan Coliform. Sampel air laut dan sedimen diambil pada bulan Oktober Tahun 2019. Analisa bakteriologis dilakukan di Laboratorium Balai Pengujian Mutu Hasil Perikanan Semarang menggunakan metode berdasarkan ISO 6222: 1999 dan SNI 01-2332.3 – 2015, SNI ISO 9308 –1: 2010 dan SNI 01-2332.1 – 2006. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan jumlah total bakteri pada sampel air laut di stasiun 1 berkisar antara 190 Cfu - 240 Cfu, di stasiun 2 antara 340 Cfu - 380 Cfu. Jumlah total Coliform pada sampel air laut di stasiun 1 dan 2 adalah 1 Cfu/ 100 ml. Jumlah total bakteri pada sampel sedimen di stasiun 1 dan 2 yaitu antara 19.000 Cfu - 90.000 Cfu dan jumlah total coliform di kedua stasiun tersebut sebesar 3,6 MPN/g Coliform. Nilai total Coliform ini berada dibawah baku mutu air laut untuk biota laut, yang maksimum adalah 1.000 dengan toleransi <10%. Sedangkan untuk jumlah total bakteri tidak diatur dalam baku mutu air laut. Tetapi secara umum jumlah total bakteri di air laut terdapat 106 sel/ ml. Sehingga nilai hasil analisis total bakteri menunjukkan kualitas air laut yang masih baik. ABSTRACT: Kendal sea waters are connected to the Buntu River, Kendal River, and the Blorong River which carry waste from human activities such as domestic waste, fishery, agriculture, ship activities, and fish auction activities. These activities can influence the bacteriological quality of the waters of Kendal District. This research was conducted to analyze the bacteriological quality of seawater and sediments from Kendal Seawaters based on the total number of bacteria and Coliform. Seawater and sediment samples were taken on October 2019. Bacteriological analysis was conducted at the Semarang Fisheries Product Quality Testing Laboratory (BPMHP) using methods based on ISO 6222: 1999 and SNI 01-2332.3 - 2015, SNI ISO 9308-1: 2010 and SNI 01-2332.1 - 2006. The results showed the total number of bacteria in sea water samples at station 1 ranged from 190 Cfu - 240 Cfu, at station 2 between 340 Cfu-380 Cfu. The total amount of Coliform in seawater samples at station 1 and 2 are 1 Cfu / 100 ml. The total number of bacteria in sediment samples at station 1 and 2 are between 19,000 Cfu - 90,000 Cfu and the total number of coliforms at both stations are 3.6 MPN / g Coliform. The total value of this coliform is below the sea water quality standard for marine life, the maximum is 1,000 with a tolerance of <10%. Where as the total number of bacteria is not regulated in the seawater quality standard. But in general the total number of bacteria in seawater is 106 cells / ml. So the value of the total bacterial analysis shows that the quality of sea water is still good.