Manipulating existing camouflage patterns is a challenging issue in the process of camouflage pattern design. In this article, we present an effective approach based on the neural style transfer method to generate a hybrid camouflage pattern by manipulating two given camouflage patterns. Using a convolutional network trained on image recognition, content and style are represented by the correlations between feature maps in several layers of the network. In this regard, we utilized different commonly used camouflage patterns as content and style images. Then, by performing the style transfer algorithm on selected camouflage patterns, a new hybrid camouflage pattern was generated. The hybrid pattern inherits the appearance features of the content and the style images. Also, the colors of the hybrid pattern were controlled by carefully selecting the input colors. It was concluded that the proposed method is useful for adding or deleting some features of an existing camouflage pattern. In fact, it is a professional tool for pixelating, depixelating, blurring, and gradual coloring of camouflage patterns. Furthermore, we demonstrate the effectiveness of hybrid camouflage patterns using visual assessment. The results of the subjective assessment show that the proposed method is efficient for generating successful camouflage patterns.