According to different publications, the neurological level most frequently involved in traumatic spinal cord injury is cervical (16%-75%), followed by thoracic (16%-36%) and lumbar (9%-17%). The abrupt interruption of nerve conduction at the spinal level causes spinal shock, characterized by an acute neurological, hemodynamic, respiratory and urinary compromise, which associates with thermoregulation problems. Neurological repercussions are characterized by a motor compromise, evidenced as flaccid paralysis with areflexia, sensory damage, abolition of sympathetic activity and loss of adaptive reflexes in the territory located below the lesion. The management of traumatic spinal cord, both, isolated or associated with multiple trauma, must begin at the scene of the accident. The current trend is towards a selective immobilization identifiying the group of patients in whom it will have a real benefit. Clinical features of spinal shock and other clinical aspects of the spinal cord injury are described in detail. Diagnosis should include a complete neurological examination including imaging studies. The type of image of choice is computerized axial tomography (CT). Different treatment alternatives are analyzed, including early or delayed descompressive surgery, methylprednisolone, neuroprotection and neuroregeneration. Finally, anesthetic management is described, the objective of which should be to reduce the movement of the lesion area (especially during positioning and the laryngoscopy and intubation maneuver) and to maintain the medullary perfusion pressure within normal limits. Postoperative care should focus on pain management, prevention of thromboembolic events and weaning from mechanical ventilation.
RESUmENEl nivel neurológico más frecuentemente comprometido en las lesiones raquimedulares por trauma es el cervical (16%-75%), seguido del torácico (16%-36%) y lumbar (9%-17%) según diferentes publicaciones. La brusca interrupción de la conducción nerviosa a nivel medular origina el cuadro de shock medular, caracterizado por un agudo compromiso neurológico, hemodinámico, respiratorio y urinario, asociado a problemas de termorregulación, con repercusiones neurológicas caracterizadas por un compromiso motor que se manifiesta como una parálisis fláccida con arreflexia, daño sensitivo, desaparición de la actividad simpática y pérdida de reflejos de adaptación en el territorio ubicado por debajo de la lesión. El manejo del trauna ra-