the closing moments should they not be helped to persevere in their lifelong goal, rather than be defrauded in a definitive decision by a faulty concept of decisional ability? Informed consent and freedom from duress or subliminal or liminal influence along with cognition, emotions, conscience and the enormous impact of a life lived over decades all come into play in crucial decision-making at life's closing moment (days, weeks, months). Capacity is only one of these many faculties (and not the most important) involved in late life decision-making. References 1 Shaw D, Trachsel M, Elger B. Assessment of decision-making capacity in patients requesting assisted suicide. Br J Psychiatry 2018; 213: 393-5. 2 Verhofstadt M, Thienpont L, Peters G-JY. When unbearable suffering incites psychiatric patients to request euthanasia: qualitative study. Br J Psychiatry 2017; 211: 238-45.