The impact of pharmaceutical residue transport in the aquatic ecosystem has become an increasing subject of environmental interest due to the inherent bioactivity of trace levels of antibiotics and the negative environmental and public health impact. In this study, three veterinary pharmaceuticals including tetracycline, ivermectin, and salicylic acid were investigated in a piggery effluent from Western Cape, South Africa. Three freshwater organisms' taxonomic groups (Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata, Daphnia magna, and Tetrahymena thermophila) were used to determine the ecological risk of different treated piggery effluent concentration range of 1%, 10%, and 20% and a cocktail mixture of veterinary pharmaceuticals of environmental concerns. The average concentration of veterinary pharmaceuticals was in the range of 47.35, 7.19, and 1.46 μg L À1 for salicylic acid, chloro-tetracycline, and ivermectin, respec-