Interregional integration is the most important factor in the transformation of the national model of economic development. It facilitates the transition from a resource-based economy to an economy targeted at an innovative way of development. Such transformations promote an increase of competitiveness of the Russian economy. In this regard, the assessment of the level of interregional integrational interaction is an urgent task. The development of the theory and methodology of study of interregional economic integration processes, the development of mechanisms for assessing the instrumental and functional potential of interregional integration as a driver of the socio-economic development of partner regions for its improvement make it possible to replenish missing items in investigating the subject area under consideration. The new scientific results obtained in the paper on determining the indicators of interregional economic integration, characterizing the amplitudes of fluctuations in the value of the average per capita income in the regions of the Southern Federal District, develop a methodology for analyzing and forecasting the behavior of complex socio-economic systems and can act as a conceptual basis for creating a modernized instrumental and methodological apparatus for quantitative assessment, further formalized presentation and modeling of interregional interaction and substantiation of development directions and increasing the efficiency of interregional economic integration processes.