The on-site assessment of the efficiency of a charging station is not a trivial process and is a topic of discussion for professionals. The efficiency of electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE), is an important parameter for both the user and the EVSE operator. This paper deals with a particular type of EVSE, using static wireless power transfer (WPT). This paper proposes a clear method to account for the parameters which can affect the correct determination of efficiency, such as in particular the accuracy of the meters and the effect of temperature. This work proposes a method to define the accuracy of the power and efficiency on-site assessment, and is aimed at clarifying that despite distorted waveforms at the charging stations, it is possible to reach a good accuracy in a wide temperature span (expanded uncertainty <0.5% between 5∘C and 40∘C). Analysis initiated from the measurement conditions and the actual waveforms recorded at two WPT EVSEs with differently rated power. This paper paves the way for the possibility of verifying class 0.5 meters on-site, desirable for this type of application. The paper also clarifies that despite the evident presence of voltage and current ripple at the batteries, the weight of the ripple power on the total power is nevertheless lower than 0.1%. Finally, the paper highlights how, for the correct measurement of the ripple, it would be advisable to calibrate the instrumentation in DC and in AC, at a frequency double that of the working frequency of the EVSE coils.