Linguoverted mandibular canine teeth (LMC) are a common cause of class 1 malocclusion, which may result in a traumatic occlusion. When deciduous LMC are diagnosed, extraction is commonly performed to alleviate traumatic occlusion. This retrospective study was designed to observe the outcome of the permanent dentition in dogs with a class 1 malocclusion receiving treatment for deciduous LMC. Medical records from a veterinary dental referral hospital were used to identify patients that underwent extraction of deciduous LMC's prior to the eruption of the permanent mandibular canine teeth. The permanent occlusion was then evaluated once the permanent mandibular canine teeth were erupting. Of the 28 dogs identified and treated for deciduous LMC's, 78.6% (22/28) had a normal permanent occlusion. The 6 patients identified with permanent LMC's were all diagnosed when the patients were between 20 and 29 weeks of age. Of these 6 patients, 5 received gingivectomy and gingivoplasty treatment to correct the permanent LMC. Treatment was declined by the pet owner of the sixth patient. Overall, the majority of dogs in this study with a class 1 malocclusion and deciduous LMC's treated with extractions prior to the eruption of the permanent mandibular canine teeth had a normal permanent occlusion.