With the emergence of femtosecond technology, laser machining has recently led to the creation of novel porous structures on polymers. However, the mechanism behind their formation is yet to be understood. In this study, the dependence of femtosecond laser-induced surface structure on processing parameters is established at two distinct wavelengths (800 nm and 275 nm) for six different polymer films: LDPE, PC, PET, PLA, PMMA, and PTFE. All of the observed structures are then optically and chemically characterized as a first step towards elucidating their formation mechanism. The threshold fluence at operating conditions was determined to be the main parameter affecting porosity formation during machining. Furthermore, for transparent films, a transition from multiphoton to linear absorption is observed to occur at 800 nm but not at 275 nm. This shift in optical properties was determined to be a major contributor to incubation effects.These observations are also in agreement with UV/VIS analysis as measurements show that polymers with a cut-off wavelength lower than that of the laser beam undergo a shift in absorption behavior. Finally, some polymers experience a continuous darkening of their surface with increasing fluence due to an increasing degree of photo-oxidation.