Song, Sang-Hyup, Park, Woo-Young. The Effects of Figure Skating Training on Equilibrium Sensory Organization and Vestibular-Ocular Reflex. Exercise Science, 22(4):319-327, 2013. In order to determine the effect of figure skating on the functional plasticity of the vestibular system and sensory organ, we quantified sensory organization and vestibular-ocular reflex(VOR) in intensity in 12 female figure skating and 12 matched control subjects. Sensory organization test were conducted by posturography in neuroCom EquiTest and vestibular stimulation consisted of four cycle of sinusodial rotation(.01 Hz, .04 Hz, .16 Hz, .64 Hz, 60 °/s). The results are as follows. Balance score and balance strategy score were higher than control, but were not significantly different. And figure and control group used somatosensory system to balance. During sinusodial stimulations, the skaters' VOR, as compared with that of the controls, demonstrated a significantly lower gain(p<.05), and phase advance(p<.05). Symmetry was significantly lower(p<.05) than in control subjects. Quantitative alterations in VOR parameters observed in figure skaters probably result from vestibular habituation induced by repeated unusual stimulations when practicing figure skating.