Several algorithms have been developed for building-attached photovoltaic system (BAPV) planning in educational institute based on PV capacity. Fewer studies on optimization algorithms for BAPV system planing on campus have been reported which considers a technoeconomic assessment. Therefore, a well-known robust algorithm is used as an optimization technique of BAPV system and considers technoeconomic assessment on campus. This paper presents a combination of analytical hierarchy process (AHP) with fuzzy theory (fuzzy AHP) for selecting a suitable and optimal design of BAPV system on academic campus. The BAPV system design is based on roof area and load profile at the project site. Five BAPV systems have been designed using five different types of PV. The design was comprehensively assessed by experts through a questionnaire with pairwise comparison model. Fuzzy AHP used to consider the qualitative and quantitative assessments that can affect the selection process. The comprehensive assessment in criteria consists of sizing systems, technical, economic, and environmental perspectives as criteria. The perspective is divided into 13 subcriteria. The results show degree of importance from the criteria-based fuzzy AHP as follows: technical > economic > environment > sizing system. Based on the assessment of criteria and subcriteria, design with monocrystalline is most suitable and polycrystalline as the least suitable design for BAPV system connected to grid and battery energy storage system in case study.