Background Solid waste management in Nigeria has been a major concern to stakeholders due to inefficient collection and unsafe disposal. In Ilorin, the capital of Kwara state, the problem of wastes is becoming alarming because the more these wastes are evacuated the more they are generated on a daily basis. Thus, the issue of central storage of solid waste situation in Ilorin to say the least, is becoming quite distressing.
Objectives. This study addressed issues relating to waste management and perception of residence to central waste storage in Ilorin metropolis.
Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted among the residents in the three local government that constitute Ilorin metropolis, residents living close to central wastes storages in Ilorin metropolis are purposively chosen and the registered wastes contractors with the Kwara State Environmental Protection Agency (KWASEPA). In accomplishing these objectives, both primary and secondary data sources were used. The primary data were collected via questionnaires and field observations. Secondary data were extracted from different published and unpublished materials. 120 households located on the main road and close to central wastes storage bins and 30 wastes contractors are administered with questionnaires. The data were analyzed using statistical package for social science (SPSS version 23) for descriptive and inferential at 5% level of significance.
Results. The operational capacities of wastes contractors showed a low capacity as 66.7% (20) operate with single rickety truck. Dumpsites accessibility and insufficiency is an impediment as the dumpsite was found to be too far and largely inaccessible. Condition of wastes spillage from the central storage and storage on the road meridians are draw backs to effective wastes management and majority of respondents 66.7% are unhappy.
Conclusions It was discovered that central wastes storage system in Ilorin metropolis was not effective with constant incidence of wastes spillages and storage on road meridians. Therefore, capacity and competence should be considered in wastes management contract award, provision of more central wastes storage, establishing wastes transfer station, provision of adequate dumpsites at different local government, public enlightenment, regular trainings for wastes consultant, provision of loans for wastes consultants for acquisition of trucks and proper monitoring by regulatory agency will ensure a clean and sanitary environment in the metropolis.