Subject. The article investigates the nexus of migration and economic development and the way it is presented in scientific periodicals. The novelty of the study is that it comprehensively analyzes the extent to which migration processes are studied in terms of different criteria.
Objectives. We determine the extent to which the nexus of migration and economic development is studied in scientific periodicals, find bottlenecks and further avenues of research.
Methods. To describe the publication activity in scientific periodicals, proceedings were split by location in electronic databases, i.e. whether the journal is included into a list of reviewed editions, by a team of authors, place of publication. To trace tendencies of studies into migration issues, papers were classified by type of an article, nationality of the focus of research, subject, methods of analysis.
Results. Based on a sample of 40 outstanding publications on the relationship of migration and economic growth from such databases as,,, which were presented in full text for the recent 50 years, we conducted the statistical analysis of the sampled population. We discovered the scarcity of reviewing papers on the relationship of migration and economic growth, thus making it difficult to understand the elaboration of this matter and prospects of further research. We underline which issues were least studies, such as migration analysis methods, its planning and forecasting.
Conclusions. Intended predominantly for those who study migration processes, the findings can be a stepping stone for setting up goals of other scientific and practical research into migration and economic development. The proposed analysis can be repeated in the future to compile respective statistics.