The cyclic voltammetry and rotating disk electrode methods have been used for investigation of electroreduction kinetics of the hexaamminecobalt͑III͒ cations on the electrochemically polished Bi planes. The rate constant for the heterogeneous electroreduction reaction of the ͓Co͑NH 3 ͒ 6 ͔ 3+ cation on the Bi͑001͒ and Bi͑011͒ planes in x M LiClO 4 + 0.001 M HClO 4 aqueous base electrolyte solutions has been established and the results have been compared with the data for the Ag͑110͒, Au͑hkl͒, and Hg electrodes as well as with the data for Bi͑hkl͒ in x M HClO 4 solutions. In the region of zero charge potential, the value of the experimental transfer coefficient ␣ exp is slightly higher than 0.5 and depends on the crystallographic structure of the Bi plane. For more concentrated base electrolyte solutions, the values of apparent transfer coefficient ␣ app , corrected for the double-layer effect, are practically independent of the base electrolyte concentration and slightly depend on the electrode polarization. Noticeably different values of the double-layer-corrected rate constant k het 0 and ␣ app for the Bi͑001͒, Bi͑011͒, Bi͑111͒, Hg, and Ag͑110͒ electrodes from the data for Au͑hkl͒ planes have been explained by the different water and ClO 4 − adsorption energies at the metals under discussion.The electroreduction of ͓Co͑NH 3 ͒ 6 ͔ 3+ complex cation is observed as a model reaction for theoretical analysis of so-called outersphere reaction. 1-12 However, the rate constant, corrected for the electrical double-layer effect, depends noticeably on the chemical nature of the electrode. 4,5,10,11 It was found that the rate constant of ͓Co͑NH 3 ͒ 6 ͔ 3+ reduction at Au single-crystal planes at fixed electrode potential increases in the order Au͑100͒ Ͻ Au͑111͒ Ͻ Au͑110͒ Ͻ Au͑210͒, i.e., with increasing the reticular density of the surface studied. 7 After correction for the electrical double-layer effect, the kinetic data fall on one common plot for all Au electrodes studied, and a single value of the apparent transfer coefficient ͑␣ app ͒ is obtained for this electrode reaction. The electric double-layercorrected rate constant depends on some specific properties of the electrode and the redox species, such as the zero charge potential or the electronic work function of the single-crystal plane and its relation to the standard potential. [3][4][5]7,[9][10][11] The reduction kinetics of hexa-aqua-iron ͑III͒ ion was studied at Au͑hkl͒ ͑at various concentrations of HClO 4 as the base electrolyte 8 ͒ but differently from ͓Co͑NH 3 ͒ 6 ͔ 3+ reduction; 7 the electron transfer coefficient depends on the crystallographic structure of the electrode surface. It was found that ␣ app increases with reticular density of the Au͑hkl͒ planes. 8 Our preliminary studies of ͓Co͑NH 3 ͒ 6 ͔ 3+ electroreduction at Bi͑hkl͒ ͑Ref. 11͒ show that ␣ app obtained depends on the crystallographic structure and increases slightly with the reticular density of the plane. Differently from the Au͑hkl͉͓͒Co͑NH 3 ͒ 6 ͔ 3+ + HClO 4 + H 2 O system, 7 the heterog...