Background: Accredited Social Health Activist (ASHA) workers bridge the gap between the health system to provide accessible, affordable, accountable, reliable, and effective primary healthcare. Aims and Objectives: To determine the views of ASHA workers about breastfeeding and complementary feeding. Materials and Methods: Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with ASHA workers in a rural Primary Health Centre was conducted to assess their knowledge and perception regarding breastfeeding and complementary feeding. It was a qualitative study conducted by using FGD. The study had been conducted in one block of one district of Maharashtra, which was selected purposively for the study. All ASHAs from the nearby nine villages belonging to Nere Primary Health Center were included as study participants. Statistical analysis: The interview transcribing method was used to analyze the data. Results:The ASHAworkers had good knowledge about the importance of breast milk and breastfeeding. Already, they were giving information to the pregnant ladies and lactating mothers in their villages. They had little knowledge about the Infant and Young Child Feeding practices, breastfeeding positions and suggested the conduction of training to learn effective breastfeeding techniques. Conclusions: All ASHA workers have good knowledge about the importance of breast milk, and they realized the importance of effective breastfeeding techniques. It is recommended to conduct lactation training for ASHAworkers, and pregnant and lactating women.