“…[16] Xenograft and recovery of primordial or secondary follicle-containing bovine tissue into mice [17] X X PrOH, PVP Histology and ultrastructure in human [11,12] X X PVP Histology, follicle count, and ultrastructure in cynomolgus macaques [18] Autotransplant, histology and ultrastructure, vascularization of graft, serum E2 and P4, ova stimulation, and embryo development through ICSI in cynomolgus macaques [19] Autotransplant, serum E2 and P4, ova stimulation, and embryo development through ICSI, 2 successful deliveries in human [20] X X X PVP K-10 Apoptosis, proliferation, and fibrosis of human xenografted in mice [21] Autotransplant, histology, follicle count, proliferation, apoptosis, graft vascularization and fibrosis, AMH immunohistochemistry in Papio anubis [22] Autotransplant, histology, follicle count, proliferation, apoptosis, graft vascularization and fibrosis, AMH immunohistochemistry in cynomolgus macaques…”