Due to the ability to diagnose diseases early and evaluate the effectiveness of medicinal drugs, single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) identification receives significant interest. Detection and diagnosis of genetic variation through skill-less computational tools would help researchers reducing the severity of such health complications and improving well-tailored therapies using discovered and previously known information. We introduce SNPector, which is a standalone SNP inspection software, which can be used to diagnose gene pathogenicity and drug reaction in naked genomic sequences. It identifies and extracts gene-related SNPs, and reports their genomic position, associated phenotype disorder, associated diseases, linkage disequilibrium, in addition to various drug reaction information. SNPector detects and verifies the existence of an SNP in a given DNA sequence without the reference based on different clinically relevant SNP databases, such as NCBI ClinVar, AWESOME, and PharmGKB, and generates highly informative visualizations of the recovered information.