You et al., 1994). This study examines the catalytic effect of sodium hypophosphite (SHP). SHP is added to polyamides because, in addition to its catalytic properties, SHP acts as a whitening agent (Lysek and Ables, 2001), as well as a thermal stabilizer and antioxidant (Agouri and Muller, 1968;Kelmchuk, 1972;Kazuhiko et al., 1995), which gives desirable end-use properties to nylon fi bres and moulded products.SHP catalyzes a variety of esterifi cation and amidation reactions. For example, Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) and HighPerformance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) studies have confi rmed that: SHP catalyzes the formation of anhydrides and water from polycarboxylic acids (Yang et al., 1996;Schramm and Rinderer, 2004), an important intermediate step in the formation of ester linkages between polycarboxylic acids and cellulose; SHP catalyzes esterifi cation reactions between anhydrides and hydroxyl Effects of sodium hypophosphite (SHP) catalyst and water on nylon 612 melt-phase polycondensation reactions were investigated using dynamic experiments with different catalyst levels (33, 113 and 249 ppm). The water concentration in the nylon melt was varied by altering the composition of a steam/nitrogen mixture bubbled through the molten polymer. Carboxyl and amine end-group concentrations were determined for polymer samples collected during the experiments. A model was developed to describe the kinetics of nylon polycondensation using the SHP catalyst in the high-temperature and low water operating region that corresponds to the fi nal stages of industrial melt-phase polyamidation processes.On a étudié les effets d'un catalyseur d'hypophosphite de sodium (SHP) et d'eau sur les réactions de polycondensation en phase fondue du nylon 612 par des expériences dynamiques avec différents niveaux de catalyseur (33, 113 et 249 ppm). On a fait varier la concentration d'eau dans le nylon fondu en modifi ant la composition d'un mélange vapeur/azote que l'on a fait buller dans le polymère fondu. La concentration des terminaisons carboxyle et amine a été déterminée pour des échantillons de polymères collectés lors des expériences. On a mis au point un modèle pour décrire la cinétique de la polycondensation de nylon avec le catalyseur SHP dans la région de fonctionnement à haute température et à faible concentration d'eau qui correspond aux stades fi naux des procédés industriels de polyamidation de la phase fondue.