With the development of communication system to the mm-wave band, the antenna design in the mm-wave band for mobile phones encounters new requirements and challenges. The mm-wave characteristics of short wavelength, high free-space path loss, and easy-to-be-blocking usually require mm-wave antennas with high gain and beam-scanning capability. Also, considering the very limited space occupied by antennas in mobile phones and the massive production of consumer electronics, small size, low cost, multiband, multi-polarization, and wide beam steering becomes the main key point of mm-wave array performance. In addition, as a special situation of the mobile antenna, the analysis of effect of the human tissue on the antenna performance is also important. So, in this chapter, a comprehensive summary on the recent advances in the mm-wave array for mobile phones including single-band, dual-band, and reconfigurable design of broadside array, horizontal polarized, vertical polarized, and dual-polarized design of endfire array, co-design of mm-wave array with lower band antenna, and user influence are summarized.