In aero-engines, mutiperforation cooling systems are often used to shield the combustor wall and ensure durability of the engine. Fresh air coming from the casing goes through thousands of angled perforations and forms a film which protects the liner. When performing Large Eddy Simulations (LES) of a real engine, the number of sub-millimetric holes is far too large to allow a complete and accurate description of each aperture. Homogeneous models allow to simulate multiperforated plates with a mesh size bigger than the hole but fail in representing the jet penetration and mixing. A heterogeneous approach is proposed in this study, where the apertures are thickened if necessary so that the jet-crossflow interaction is properly represented. Simulations using homogeneous and thickened-hole models are compared to a fully resolved computation for various grid resolutions in order to illustrate the potential of the method.