The community-oriented primary care (COPC) services model is an approach prescribed by the Medical Council of India for existing medical colleges in India from their respective urban and rural health training centers (RHTCs). However, the evidence of whether it is better as compared with pure primary health care approach in the Indian context is lacking in the literature. Therefore, it becomes imperative to study this area for its further expansion.
Materials and methods
The study was done in the catchment area of RHTC and neighboring primary health center (PHC; Makhiyali) attached to the medical college in the district of Western Uttar Pradesh in India. Three surveyed villages out of six villages from July 1, 2016, to December 31, 2016, were taken in this study. Finally, the COPC vs primary health care approach comparison was done on four outcome parameters.
The utilization of COPC services from RHTC area as compared with primary health care services from PHC area was significantly better for all diseases combined (p < 0.005) and also in the category of management of upper respiratory tract infections (p < 0.0001) and nutritional deficiencies (p < 0.05). On further applying COPC services model, it was also found that RHTC services were significantly better as compared with PHC services in terms of socioeconomic impact on health from services (p < 0.0000), identification of health needs from services (p < 0.0000), and participation in health care services (p < 0.05).
The COPC services model appears to be successful in the delivery of health care services from RHTC of a medical college as compared with pure primary health care approach delivered from a PHC. However, authors suggest more in-depth multicentric studies on this issue before generalization of COPD model usage across the world.
How to cite this article
Davey S, Kapoor PK, Bala M, Singh JV, Raghav SK, Singh N. Community-oriented Primary Care Services Model: Can it improve Morbidity Status in India? An Impact Evaluation Study. Int J Res Foundation Hosp Healthc Adm 2017;5(1):8-14.