-Impaired polymorphonuclear neutrophil leukocyte (PMN) function around parturition has been associated with increased clinical mastitis in dairy cows. Rolling and attachment of PMN to the endothelium is the first step in the recruitment process and is accomplished by interaction between L-selectin on PMN and its ligand on endothelial cells. Furthermore, tyrosine phosphorylation is involved in the initiation of many PMN functions. The objective of this work was to determine changes in expression of L-selectin and tyrosine phosphorylation in the perinatal period. Eight clinically healthy Holstein cows were used as PMN donors at d -21, -14, -7, 0 (calving), +1, +2, +7, +14, +28. Evaluation of L-selectin expression was carried out on activated and resting PMN. Anti-bovine L-selectin monoclonal antibody (MAB) and flow cytometric analysis were used to measure the percentage of PMN fluorescing and receptor expression (log mean fluorescent channel, LMFC). Activated and resting PMN showed similar trends in % PMN fluorescence and LMFC. The percentage of PMN fluorescing tended to decrease at parturition, followed by a significant increase at d +14 and +28 (P < 0.02). For LMFC a decrease was observed on d +1 followed by an increase through d +28 (P < 0.01). Protein tyrosine phosphorylation of lysates prepared from PMN isolated throughout the study was detected by electrophoresis and western blotting using anti-phosphotyrosine MAB. Several protein bands were tyrosine phosphorylated. Two of these bands (42-44 kDa and 90 kDa) varied in intensity over time. The intensity of the 42-44 kDa band gradually increased from d -7, peaked at d +7 (P < 0.03), and steadily decreased to d +28 (P < 0.02). Antibody to activated mitogen protein kinase reacted with the 42-44 kDa band. Reduced PMN function during the periparturient period L-selectin / tyrosine phosphorylation / neutrophil / mastitis / parturition Résumé -Évaluation de l'expression de la L-sélectine et de la phosphorylation de la tyrosine des protéines des neutrophiles bovins au moment de la parturition. Pendant la parturition, une fonction affaiblie des neutrophiles (PMN) a été associée à une augmentation des mammites cliniques chez les vaches laitières. Roulement et attachement des PMN à l'endothélium est le premier pas dans le processus du recrutement et est accompli par l'interaction entre la L-sélectine sur la membrane des PMN et son ligand sur les cellules de l'endothélium. En outre, dans les PMN, la phosphorylation de la tyrosine est impliquée dans l'initiation de plusieurs fonctions. L'objectif de ce travail était de détermi-ner les changements d'expression de la L-sélectine et de la phosphorylation de la tyrosine dans la pé-riode périnatale. Huit vaches de race Holstein, cliniquement saines, ont été utilisées comme donneuses de PMN aux jours -21, -14, -7, 0 (vêlage), +1, +2, +7, +14, +28. L'évaluation de l'expression de la L-sélectine a été effectuée sur des PMN activés et non activés. Des anticorps monoclonaux anti-L-sélectine bovine (MAB) et la cytométrie en ...