Small-sized persimmons produced by high crop load are better accepted in the export markets. However, maintaining high crop load frequently results in weakness of tree vigor, deterioration of fruit quality, and increase of the risks for alternate bearing. This experiment was conducted to determine the combined effects of fertilization rate and leaf-fruit (L/F) ratio on container-grown 3-year-old 'Fuyu' persimmon trees. Application of 3.6-g N, 2.1-g P 2 O 5 , 2.7-g K 2 O, 2.7-g CaO, and 0.6-g MgO was for the control fertilization rate (CF) and that of a 3-fold CF was for the high fertilization rate (HF). Commercial fertilizers were surface-applied to a container on July 6, July 17, and August 10 in three equal aliquots. Single tree for each fertilization rate was assigned for 12 L/F ratios (5, 6.3, 7.7, 9, 10.4, 13, 15.5, 18, 21, 24, 27, and 33) mostly by fruit thinning or rarely by defoliation on July 1. HF did not affect the yield, weight and soluble solids of the fruits but decreased skin color. As L/F ratio increased, yield decreased but average weight, skin color, and soluble solids of fruits increased. With HF, N and K concentrations in leaves, fruits, and shoots increased to some extent but soluble sugars in dormant shoots decreased. Many shoots were cold-injured with low L/F ratio especially at the HF. HF did not increase number of flower buds the next spring either on a shoot or on a tree basis but increased shoot length, compared with the CF. Increasing L/F ratio markedly increased number of flower buds and shoot growth the following year at both fertilization rates. Therefore, an appropriate combination of fertilization rate and L/F ratio should be necessary to maintain stable fruit production and tree vigor at high crop load.