The cross sectional study was conducted at out-patient departments (OPD) of two selected children hospitals in Dhaka city, Bangladesh to assess the level of patient satisfaction during COVID-19 pandemic situation. It was conducted from 1 st September to 31 st December 2021 among the respondents of the patients who had attended the OPD for treatment. A total of 323 respondents were interviewed at the exit point of OPD using a structured questionnaire. Independent variables were categorized as socio-demographic variables, administrative related variables and COVID-19 related variables. The dependent variable i.e. satisfaction of Healthcare OPD service recipients were characterized by 5 point Likert Scale as Excellent, Good, Satisfied, Unsatisfied and Worst. Among 323 participants, 226 (70%) were males and 97 (30%) were females (Mean age ± SD: 34.21 ± 7.08 years). Majority of respondents i.e. 115 (35.6%) were in the age group of 26-32 years. Regarding education level and occupation, only 66 (20.4%) were educated above SSC level and almost all of them had manual type of occupation, except that 60 (18.6%) were service holders. About annual income, religion and family size, majority (n=188, 52.8%) had low annual income of taka 1.5-3.5 lacs, high numbers (n=273, 83.4%) were Muslims and majority (n=165, 51.1%) had family size of 4 members. It was observed that some of the respondents were dissatisfied about absence of hand sanitizer, waiting time, investigation cost, cleanliness, sitting place and registration system. But most of the respondents were satisfied about registration fees, medicine availability in pharmacy, opening time, closing time of hospital, doctor consultation, COVID-19 screening, etc. According to Likert Scale, satisfaction levels at OPDs of two children hospitals during COVID-19 pandemic were satisfactory. Most of them (n=174, 53.9%) were satisfied about administrative related factors and services provided by hospitals during COVID-19 pandemic situation. Overall, satisfaction level about COVID-19 related factors was 46.4% (n=150), 6.9% (n=22) and 0.9% (n=3) were satisfactory, good and excellent respectively i.e. majority of respondent's satisfaction level were satisfactory (n=175, 54.2%). The quality of OPD services at the children hospitals was satisfactory during COVID-19 situation at a level of 54 % only. Therefore, there are plenty of opportunities to improve further the quality and satisfaction level about healthcare