From a historical perspective, human‐induced soil erosion and resulting soil phosphorus (P) losses have likely occurred for thousands of years. In modern times, erosion risk and off‐site P transport can be decreased if producers convert from furrow to sprinkler irrigation, but conversion may alter nutrient dynamics. Our study goal was to determine soil P dynamics in furrow‐ (in place since the early 1900s) versus sprinkler‐irrigated (installed within the last decade) soils from four paired producer fields in Idaho. Furrow‐ and sprinkler‐irrigated soils (0–5 cm; Aridisols) contained on average 38 and 20 mg kg−1 of Olsen‐extractable P (i.e., plant‐available P), respectively; extractable P values over 40 mg kg−1 limit Idaho producers to P application based on crop uptake only. Soil samples were also analyzed using a modified Hedley extraction. Furrow‐irrigated soils contained greater inorganic P concentrations in the soluble+aluminum (Al)‐bound+iron (Fe)‐bound, occluded, and amorphous Fe‐bound pools. Phosphorus K‐edge X‐ray absorption near‐edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy was unable to detect Fe‐associated P but indicated greater amounts of apatite‐like or octacalcium phosphate‐like P in furrow‐irrigated producer soils, while sprinkler‐irrigated fields had lower amounts of apatite‐like P and greater proportions of P bound to calcite. Findings from a controlled USDA‐ARS sprinkler‐ versus furrow‐irrigation study suggested that changes in P dynamics occur slowly over time, as few differences were observed. Overall findings suggest that Fe redox chemistry or changes in calcium (Ca)‐associated P in flooded conditions altered P availability under furrow irrigation, even in aridic, calcareous soils, contributing to greater Olsen‐extractable P concentrations in long‐term furrow‐irrigated fields.
Core Ideas
Irrigation type may greatly affect soil P dynamics in calcareous systems.
Furrow irrigated fields contained more plant‐available P than sprinkler irrigated fields.
Furrow irrigation leads to Fe chemistry alterations, release of P, and increases available P.
Available P increases under furrow irrigation could limit amendment application based on P, not N, crop needs.
We still do not fully understand P dynamics in irrigated calcareous systems.