Forest plays a crucial role in providing essential ecosystem services, including water supply, climate regulation, and biodiversity conservation. This study aimed to assess the current state of the forest in Barangay Nambalan, Mayantoc, Tarlac. The specific objectives were to identify tree species in the area and determine the tree diversity index, with a focus on endemism and conservation status. Two transect lines, each spanning one kilometer, were established and a total of 10 sampling quadrats were surveyed. Ecological parameters (relative frequency, relative density, relative dominance, and importance value index) and diversity indices (Shannon-Weiner index, Simpson's index) were computed using the Paleontological Statistic Software Package for Educational Analysis (PAST 4.03). A comprehensive inventory revealed a total of 756 individuals representing 52 species, 46 genera, and 25 families. Among the recorded species, 10 (17.2%) were endemic and 11 (21.6%) were classified as threatened. The Fabaceae (20.8%), Moraceae (14.6%), and Euphorbiaceae (8.3%) were identified as the most abundant families. The computed diversity indices indicated that Barangay Nambalan retains a diverse forest cover; however, species composition was found to be relatively low. Based on the finding, this study recommends the strict enforcement of protective measures and legislation to mitigate further degradation of the remaining forest in Barangay Nambalan.