Background/Objectives: High density to alpha-particle radiations, particularly from radon, can increase health risks. This study presents the radon alpha-activity of drinking waters in regions of eastern part of India. Methods/Statistical analysis: To figure out radon alpha-activity concentration in natural drinking waters in the above mentioned regions, present study reviewed many literatures that pertinent to radon alpha-activity of waters in the regions. Both inclusion and exclusion criteria have been followed to select the literatures for review. This study consulted the reports of literatures for obtaining data sources. Recommendations of national and international groups have been used to interpret the results. Findings: A wide variation of radon alphaactivity concentration in drinking water of the regions has been found in between 0.31 and 911 Bq/l. Most of the radioactivity values exceeded MCL or reference level recommended by USEPA and UNSCEAR, and few are exceeding action limit given by EU and WHO. High alpha-activity level in waters has been seen in the arsenic and fluoride contaminated areas and near the areas of U-mine and thermal springs. Low level of alpha-activity has been seen in some regions of Assam, Meghalaya, Mizoram and Orissa, and in the east coast region of West Bengal. The radon alpha-activity level in coastal area of Orissa is higher than that of West Bengal. It is found that the sources of the alphaemitting radionuclides, arsenic and fluoride may coexist in the arsenic and fluoride contaminated regions. This study is the first that reviewed the alpha contamination level in natural drinking waters in the eastern part of India. More studies on these regions are required in the future. Novelty/Applications: Novelty of this study relies on the observed alpha-activity of drinking waters in the regions. Radioactivity data provided in this study can help to researchers for further investigation.