This report was made possible through cooperative efforts of several U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Program Offices (EM-43, EM-77, and EH-41), the Ohio Field Office, and the Fernald Site Office. In March 1997, EM-43, working with EH-41, published the Draft Handbook for Controlling Release for Reuse or Recycle of Property Containing Residual Radioactive Material. In anticipation of the handbook, the Ohio Field Office requested funding to support a case study implementing the new guidance. The project was funded by EM-77 as one of seven interrelated tasks designed to enhance site-level implementation of pollution prevention, reuse, and recycling initiatives. The Fernald Site Office took the lead role on the project, providing oversight and direction for project activities. The project benefited greatly from the insights and comments provided by DOE personnel, including Pete Yerace (DOE-FN), Don Hodge (DOE-OH), Bob Fleming (EM-43), Stephen Warren (EM-43), and Andy Wall0 (EH-41). In addition, the project benefited from interactions with personnel working on the related tasks funded by EM-77, notably Michael Gresalfi (Oak Ridge National Laboratory [ORNL]), Kathy Yuracko (ORNL), Bob Lehrter (