Soil oil-pollution is one of the most severe environmental issues at
present. Shifts of soil metallome and microbiome are essential
indicators for risk assessment and remediation of field soil pollutions,
but not well studied undergoing the petroleum contamination. In this
research, soil samples were collected from a short-term and long-term
petroleum-contaminated oil field. The soil physicochemical properties,
metallome, microbial community, and polluted and unpolluted soil network
were testified. Results showed that the contents of soil total petroleum
hydrocarbon, total carbon, total nitrogen, total sulfur, total
phosphorus, calcium, copper, manganese, lead, and zinc were increased by
petroleum contamination. In contrast, the soil pH was decreased by
petroleum contamination regardless of the pollution duration.
Petroleum-contamination also reduced bacterial and fungal α-diversity
indices. In contrast, bacterial α-diversity was negatively correlated
with soil TPH and EC, and fungal α-diversity was negatively correlated
with soil EC. Moreover, the relative abundances of Proteobacteria,
Ascomycota, Oleibacter, and Fusarium in soil were increased by petroleum
contamination. Network analysis showed that number of links, modules and
the network invulnerability decreased in PS, followed by the OS group.
These results demonstrate that short-term heavy petroleum contamination
can cause shifts in soil physicochemical properties, metallome, and
microbiome and assemble a less complex and vulnerable soil microbial
network. Moreover, natural restoration can hardly amend soil properties
and microbial network structure. This research emphasizes that the
uncommonly studied soil metallome may play a vital part in the reaction
of soil microbial communities to petroleum-contamination and potential
application value of synthetic community in bioremediation.