We predict a predominance diagram for electron defects in the temperature-hydrostatic stress space for SrTiO 3 by combining density functional theory and the quasiharmonic approximation. We discovered two regimes where small polarons dominate: under tensile stress at lower temperature due to a larger relaxation volume of the defect , and under compressive stress at higher temperature due to a smaller and larger formation entropy. This provides a means to modulate the electronic conductivity via controlling the underlying charge carrier. Furthermore, the results challenge the common association between larger and charge localization by demonstrating that at high temperature the free electron can induce larger compared to the small polaron. This finding is attributed to the ability of the free electron to generate greater vibrational entropy upon finite isothermal expansion. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.95.161110 An electron can move freely in a periodic crystal unless the lattice is polarizable, in which case the electron can begin to exhibit localization by deforming surrounding ions to form a so-called large polaron. Assisted by lattice vibrations, electron localization can become enhanced to be self-trapped on a single ion. The latter is termed a small polaron or a self-trapped electron. While large polarons traverse crystals in a rapid bandlike fashion, small polarons tend to hop slowly from one ion to the next [1]. Holstein predicted that in a given polarizable crystal, a transition from large to small polaron behavior occurs as the temperature increases above half the Debye temperature D [2]. Understanding and controlling the extent of electron localization in the family of metal oxides underpins their performance in various applications. For example, delocalization is desired for increasing the electronic conductivity of oxides that function for water splitting and CO 2 reduction [3]. On the other hand, the ease of creating oxygen vacancies in reducible metal oxides is generally correlated with localizing electrons on neighboring host cations; that is, reducing them [4][5][6]. Temperature and stress are readily available thermodynamic forces to tune the degree of localization of electronic defects. In this Rapid Communication, we reveal how the localization of electron polarons in the metal oxide SrTiO 3 is controlled by these forces, primarily via changes in relaxation volume of electronic defects with temperature and pressure.Strontium titanate (SrTiO 3 ) is an archetype of the versatile perovskite oxides family. The electronic defects (electrons and holes) of bulk SrTiO 3 give rise to desirable properties not possessed by the underlying perfect crystal such as superconductivity [7] [16] by suggesting that in the dilute limit (i.e., less than 1% defect per unit cell) large polarons prevail, and at higher doping concentrations small polarons prevail. Density functional theory (DFT) calculations at temperature 0 K consistently predict the predominance of free electrons over small polarons [15,16], where it is ...