THANKS TO NASA's Coastal Zone Color Scanner (CZCS, 1978(CZCS, -1986, nearly ocean-wide coverage of the distribution of phytoplankton pigment in the upper part of the euphotic zone and, in effect, in the mixed layer of the open ocean, is now available. This coverage includes seasonality and interannual variability. The CZCS observations confirm that the physics of the ocean provide the backbone of the geographic and temporal patterns of pigment distribution and, by inference, of primary production rate. For example, phytoplankton concentrations and production are enhanced where upwelling or seasonal overturn of the water column replenishes nutrient concentrations in the mixed layer, whereas the timing of this enhancement may be controlled by upwelling, seasonal overturn, or the mixed layer becoming shallower than the critical depth.I propose that the next task is to understand the cause of the phytoplankton concentrations and to be able to predict them and the temporal rate of change of concentrations on the scale of several days to seasons. I will show that this major challenge for biological oceanography cannot be addressed without a vastly improved understanding of the zooplankton. Understanding the animals is of intrinsic interest, which is also true for phytoplankton. However, the task of predicting phytoplankton concentrations and their rates of change also may be considered as a subset of the challenge of anticipating the effect of climate change on, e.g., the geographic and temporal (seasonal) distribution of the sign of the CO2 gradient between atmosphere and sea via the connection between phytoplankton concentration and photosynthesis, or on plankton community composition and its feedback to the atmosphere from changes in the distributions of DMS producers.