The electromagnetic field (EMF) is a physical concept consisting of electric and magnetic fields produced by the motion of charged particles and plays a ubiquitous role in modern society. EMFs are present in various forms, ranging from extremely low frequency (ELF) fields produced by power lines to radiofrequency (RF) fields emitted by wireless communication devices. While EMFs are essential for technologies like electricity generation, telecommunications, and medical imaging, concerns have been raised regarding their potential impact on human health. The literature has explored the relationships between EMF exposure and health outcomes, including cancer, reproductive health, and neurological disorders. Despite ongoing debate and inconclusive evidence, efforts are underway to mitigate exposure and establish regulatory guidelines. The effects of EMF on human health is a complex and multifaceted issue and research points to potential effects on various aspects of health, including neurological, reproductive and developmental effects. Although significant associations have not been found in some studies, growing evidence suggests that continuity in research is important in assessing and mitigating potential health risks associated with EMA exposure.