Subject. The article addresses comprehensive comparative assessment of return on investment in transport infrastructure in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for 2017–2019, based on the DEA methodology.
Objectives. We determine leaders and outsiders among regions, based on the DEA-analysis of investment performance in the transport sector, rank them on the basis of aggregated estimates of comparative efficiency.
Methods. The research draws on the methods of systems analysis, mathematical, economic, statistical analysis, decomposition, and aggregation. We employ the data of Rosstat and the Ministry of Transport on constituent entities of the Russian Federation for 2017–2019.
Results. The aggregated estimates of comparative efficiency of investments in transport infrastructure, taking into account the variable effect (VRS), have been determined for the first time. We rank the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, depending on the efficiency of investments in transport infrastructure.
Conclusions. The performed analysis creates information basis for assessing and improving the regional transport policy, developing and implementing a set of measures, aimed at increasing transport accessibility and highway capacity. The findings may enable to monitor and enhance the efficiency of budgetary spending on transport infrastructure facilities.