and grew up in Whitstable, Kent, the eldest son of six, and from the age of eight he was enlisted together with twin brother Peter by their father Gordon, to help with fieldwork on mud flats at Whitstable, where Gordon was working on the life cycle of Arenicola marina. This laid the foundation for a career in marine science, with Richard achieving a 1st in Zoology at Queen Mary College (QMC). He then took up a lectureship at Westfield College whilst doing his PhD on the biology of Hydrobia ulvae. Subsequently research with a series of talented PhD studentsall investigating aspects of the physiology of intertidal animals (e.g. Newell & Pye, 1971)enabled him to build towards writing The Biology of Intertidal Animals (1970) which became an essential companion for students of marine biology. Most of Richard's PhD students from QMC days have now retired; however, Professor Islay Marsden and Professor Barbara Brown have continued to publish and build on his influence and interest in adaptive physiology. Richard and his father revised Marine Plankton -A Practical Guide (1977), another marine biology student essential and generally regarded as a first-class reference work for identification of plankton.