The article is devoted to substantiation of the central role of educational institutions in the formation of the region's innovation ecosystem. Modern society is characterized by active transformations in all spheres of life activities; the ranges of production, economic, social, foreign and domestic political activities are expanding. In these conditions, the traditional classical theories of management are no longer justified and do not allow the society to reach the world standards of socio-economic development. This is due to the fact that the mechanisms of functioning of social systems are being improved and modernized, vertical and horizontal connections and structure are expanding, and self-regulation tendencies are increasing. Thus, the formation of the innovation ecosystem of the region is taking place, which includes various sectors and spheres of life. In this regard, there is a need to find new, more effective mechanisms for managing regional innovation ecosystems. The article presents the results of comparative analysis of integration mechanisms and interrelations of educational institutions and management structures of regions with different level of economic and social development. Performance indicators of the innovation ecosystem are highlighted; moreover, we identified the main current trends and priorities of regional economic development. Since the modern world is characterized by global and dynamic information flows, which are used to analyze and process all spheres of life, educational institutions are given an increasing role in shaping the region's innovation ecosystem. Based on the generalization of research data of modern domestic and foreign scientists on the importance of educational organizations in the formation and development of the innovation ecosystem of the city, region, country, the hypothesis that the qualitative and quantitative composition of educational institutions affects the level of economic and social development of the region was formulated. The main aspects of competence, environment, ecosystem approaches in the formation of an innovative ecosystem of the region are considered. The principles of managing the development of the region's innovation ecosystem on the basis of close interaction with educational institutions and expanding the spheres and forms of such integration are highlighted. Data from empirical studies of ecosystem efficiency of several Russian regions with different levels of socio-economic development are presented. Correlation analysis of efficiency of ecosystems in the region, quantitative and qualitative composition of educational institutions and the degree of their interaction with other social institutions was carried out. We note that the leading role in the formation of the region's innovation ecosystem is played by higher educational institutions that, in addition to educational activities, carry out research work, which involves specialists, teachers, students and representatives of other social institutions. This fact contributes to the i...