Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the knowledge of Myanmar dental students and young dentists regarding the diagnosis and treatment of oral malodor.
Method: Data were collected from a sample of 120 dental students from the University of Dental Medicine and 21 young dentists in Yangon, Myanmar. They were instructed to answer the structural questionnaires regarding oral malodor knowledge, including the clinical perspective. The content of the questionnaire items ranged from the etiology of oral malodor to treatment regimen.
Results: Only 8.5% in the dental students’ group and 14.3% in young dentists’ group correctly answered that tongue coating is the most frequent source of oral malodor when the patients had no severe dental and periodontal problems. Nearly half of the subjects reported that Volatile Sulphur Compounds (VSCs) are related to malodor, but only 18.4% correctly answered the question related to the vulnerable condition of VSCs production. And, around 60% of the subjects didn’t know the reliable diagnostic tools for malodor and more than half of the subjects didn’t know clearly about the oral malodor classifications. Regarding the oral malodor treatment, over 90% of the subjects responded tongue cleaning is essential to reduce oral malodor and 97.2% of the subjects answered that they will provide tooth brushing instructions to oral malodor patients. But, over 70% of the subjects incorrectly recommended saline mouthwash for malodor treatment. Overall, both the dental students and young dentists had less knowledge of oral malodor and most of them responded that they need further knowledge on oral malodor diagnosis and treatment.
Conclusion: This study showed that the knowledge of Myanmar dental students and young dentists on oral malodor was a scare. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that dental schools are necessary to give greater emphasis on etiology, diagnosis, and proper treatment for oral malodor.