A several kinds of numerical models, including moving force model, for determination the service life of gears in regard to bending fatigue in a gear tooth root, is presented. The critical plane damage model, Socie and Bannantine [1], 1988, has been used to determine the number of stress cycles required for the fatigue crack initiation. This method determines also the initiated crack direction, what is good base for a further analyses of the crack propagation and the assessment of the total fatigue life. Finite element method and linear elastic fracture mechanics theories are then used for the further simulation of the fatigue crack growth under a moving load. Moving load produces a non-proportional load history in a gear’s tooth root. An approach that accounts for fatigue crack closure effects is developed to propagate crack under non-proportional load. Although some influences (non-homogeneous material, traveling of dislocations, etc.) were not taken into account in the computational simulations, the presented model seems to be very suitable for determination of service life of gears because numerical procedures used here are much faster and cheaper if compared with the experimental testing. The computational results are compared with other researchers’ numerical results and with service lives of real gears. The fatigue lives and crack paths determined in this paper exhibits a substantial agreement with experimental results and significant improvement compared with the existing numerical models.