A series of industrial experimental tests on the freeze treatment of colloidal sludge lignin precipitates was carried out under natural conditions. Changes in the physical and chemical properties of the precipitates were studied. It is established that three fractions are formed following the freeze treatment of colloidal sludge lignin precipitates, including demineralized water (up to 25 %), mineralized water (up to 15 %) and a restructured colloidal precipitate (up to 60 %). The total volume of the precipitate is shown to decrease to 40 %. Freezing precipitation of colloidal lignin slurry of "the Baikal Pulp and Paper Mill" leads to a decrease in toxicity from the third to the fifth class of danger. On the basis of frozen sediments, the lignin sludge of OJSC Baikal Pulp and Paper Mill with the addition of other waste from the Baikal region, a fertile soil was obtained that corresponds to GOST R 54651-2011 "Organic fertilizers on the basis of sewage sludge. Specifications".