Indonesia has seen the success of Bali as the most prominent�tourism�destination in the country.��Therefore, the initiative to�deploy the benefits of tourism development throughout�several regions�of�Indonesia is known as the 10 New Bali's.��Nevertheless, it is still questionable whether�Bali is an example of sustainable tourism or not.��In developing the�10 New Bali's, the Indonesian�government is aiming at increasing the number of tourists rather than at achieving the goal of sustainable tourism destination development.��
One of the destinations designated under this initiative is Tanjung Kelayang in Belitung Island, and therefore�it is selected as a case in this study.��After 6 years of Tanjung Kelayang being designated as a New Bali, there has been little assistance from the national government on how the New Bali concept would be developed.�Thus, this study becomes the baseline for Tanjung Kelayang's readiness for future tourism destination development.�It aims to analyze how Tanjung Kelayang destination development complies with the sustainable tourism criteria of GSTC-D V2 or Global Sustainable Tourism Council for Destination assessment (version 2).
This research was conducted during the Covid-19 pandemic situation from June until August 2021.�The qualitative research approach was used with data collection through primary and secondary sources.�The primary data collection was from field observation, semi-structured interviews, and in-depth interviews.�The secondary data was from documentary reviews and analysis.�Description analysis is used with GSTC-D V2 as a tool to obtain a description of the level of understanding, implementation, and compliance of the sustainable destination development standard.�
The result showed that there are 7 criteria that received compliance with the requirement, i.e., support for the community; access for all; protection of cultural assets; intangible heritage; traditional access; visitor management and cultural sites; and light and noise pollutions.�On the other hand, there are 21 criteria that did not receive compliance with the requirements, i.e. destination management and responsibilities; destination management strategy and action plan; monitoring and reporting; enterprises engagement and sustainability standard; resident engagement and feedback; visitor engagement; managing visitors volumes and activity; risk and crisis management; measuring the local contribution of tourism; preventing exploitation and discrimination; property and use rights; safety and security; site interpretation; protection of sensitive environments; visitor management at natural sites; wildlife interactions; species exploitation and animal welfare; water quality; wastewater management; greenhouse gases emission and climate change; and low impact transportation.�Based on the description above, Tanjung Kelayang destination development needs further work in order to achieve sustainable tourism destination status.
To develop Tanjung Kelayang as a New Bali without copying-pasting the negative conditions and tourism impacts seen in Bali, commitment from the National and Local governments is needed.��To achieve the best planning and implementation for a sustainable tourism destination, the skill-knowledge upgrade and improvement on sustainable destination development for all relevant stakeholders is the key, especially for the�Local Official Tourism Government of Belitung as a spearhead of the Tanjung Kelayang sustainable destination development.