This study uses a high-resolution, process-based modeling framework to assess the impacts of changing climate on water resources for the Alabama-Coosa-Tallapoosa River Basin in the southeastern United States. A 33-member ensemble of hydrologic projections was generated using 3 distributed hydrologic models (Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System, Variable Infiltration Capacity, and Distributed Hydrology Soil Vegetation Model) of different complexity. These hydrologic models were driven by dynamically downscaled and bias-corrected future climate simulations from 11 Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 global climate models under Representative Concentration Pathway 8.5 emission scenario, with 40 years each in baseline and future (2011-2050) periods. The hydroclimate response, in general, projects an increase in mean seasonal precipitation, runoff, and streamflow. The high and low flows are projected to increase and decrease, respectively, in general, suggesting increased likelihood of extreme rainfall events and intensification of the hydrologic cycle. The uncertainty associated with the ensemble hydroclimate response, analyzed through an analysis of variance technique, suggests that the choice of climate model is more critical than the choice of hydrologic model for the studied region. this study provides in-depth insights of hydroclimate response and associated uncertainties to support informed decisions by water resource managers.A changing climate is projected to intensify regional and global hydrologic cycles 1,2 . These alterations in hydrologic cycles will potentially increase the frequency and magnitudes of hydroclimate extremes such as floods and droughts, and potentially impact water resource availability due to changes in the seasonality of streamflow and runoff 3-5 . The future hydrologic projections are, therefore, important to inform mitigation and adaptation strategies aimed at addressing impacts of climate change in addition to increasing water demands. Moreover, reliable estimates of hydroclimate extreme trends can ensure better preparedness of society and infrastructure from threats arising from extreme events and their socioeconomic impacts 6 .Studies assessing climate change impacts on future hydrology at regional or catchment scales often adapt a standard procedure involving the use of a hierarchical hydro-meteorological framework (hereinafter "modeling framework"), including selection of the following key elements: (a) greenhouse gas emission scenario, (b) global climate model (GCM), (c) downscaling method (statistical or dynamical), (d) bias correction of downscaled data (if required), and (e) hydrologic model 7-10 . These hydrologic projections are inevitably associated with uncertainties introduced at each stage of the modeling framework. In addition to external factors such as natural variability and the choice of emission scenarios, many uncertainties are model-related, such as model assumptions, structures, accuracy, initial conditions, calibration procedures, training datasets,...